Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Ryan "Vievi" Exposed!

Ryan “Vievi” Fletcher/Albright/Dawson/Gentle/Whatever the fuck

I need to let all of you know before continuing to read, that I am rushing myself into getting this published. Some parts of this “Vievi Exposed” thread are from my own findings, and some are from various other people who have dealt with Ryan in the past, and have given me their information for compiling. I hope nobody in the crossfire is hurt from the information about to be revealed – but I guess my word just isn’t good enough these days.

This thread is about Ryan Gentle Albright Dawson Fletcher, who most of us know as Vievi, and details him as who he really is: a real person liar with real feelings scamming’s who may sue you for libel if he thinks you might write something true about him. If you ever have the misfortune to cross paths with him, I beg of NOT believe a single word he says and for fucks sake, NEVER give him money!

The Man, The Myth, The Scam:

Ryan is an uncontrollable fantasist, compulsive liar, amateur scammer, part-time web designer, and full-time helmet. He has been providing a consistently high quality of drama inside the UK anime fan scene for many years now(now he’s preying on the HoN community), his unbearable desire to "Be Somebody" in the community and prey on girls in the same instance, causing as much mayhem as mirth, and is well worth learning more about.

When not stealing as much money as possible from his "friends", his trademark maneuver is to promise discount flights to Japan, supply free computers and webspace, and private conventions including the supposed booking of Hyde Park for an outdoor anime showing to the younger (and slightly thicker) otaku on anime forums. When there are suggestions of foul play from more learned posters, Ryan is often backed up by kids who are easily deceived by his offers of free Pocky, paid LiveJournal accounts, or perhaps an intoxicated fumbling rape in a tent.

Sightings of Ryan can be difficult to authenticate due to multiple aliases and profile information, but common elements are a location in either Plymouth, Liverpool, Birmingham or Tokyo, an occupation in sys-admin or web design, hobbies in the martial arts, and a birth date of December 17th 1986. In addition he continues to demonstrate he has no fucking idea that 'must of' and 'would/could/should of', and 'your' instead of 'you are/you're', are only used by completely illiterate fucking retards who don't understand that 'of' is not a fucking verb and 'your' fucking indicates something fucking belonging to the second fucking person, you fucking FUCK!

Lying Mental:

Here follows a compilation of factoids rescued from the archives of an arcane and elusive social group called 'HashC' (commonly considered to be elitist, highly influential, and quite simply just better than you are):

DISCLAIMER: As I am currently living in perpetual fear of a very expensive “lawlsuit” being filed by Ryan and his company, we would like to point out that most if not all of the information written below is of a fabricated nature - in that it was entirely fabricated by Ryan himself, obviously. Most are things Ryan has lied about personally and very publicly; some are things we've heard from others, and therefore are only second hand comedy. However we guarantee all of this is very funny!

· He is changing his name to Kousuke Ichikawa ("The First River"). Ryan's feeble brain has just glued two Japanese words together - ichi (one) and kawa (river); when typed in through the Windows Japanese IME, using bias for names, 'ichikawa' comes out as 市川 - meaning 'market river'.

· His first name comes from his murderous father and his middle name comes from his fucked up granddad, hence the perceived need for a name change. Of course, this never happened - and people who know the family assert that his father, er, never killed anyone anyway. Oh, and his father's name is actually Kevin.

· Despite only existing for eight weeks, ZefieNET was a global success - it had "lots of international business clients" and between them, his clients were using an entirely unlikely 70MBit of VoIP traffic.

· He is a martial arts instructor, and was a member of a street gang in Japan... Sadly, however, he was the only survivor of this gang after the rest were wiped out in a battle with the Yakuza. (Yes, he actually told people this.)

· His business success isn't surprising, when you consider his glorious past! He received a quarter of a million pounds when he was 16 for a programming contract, and since then has been offered a job by Google, and has shares in Google, Microsoft and Yahoo. (Despite this, he is commonly to be found begging for money for train fares from gullible children.)

· He is bisexual, has an eight inch penis and can ejaculate eight times in a single hot, sweaty sex session.

· In spite of his global business experience, he tried to get people to pay for a convention by sending him personal cheques made out to his name. His plan was to move these to a business account later - which, sadly, constitutes money laundering and fraud. Oops.

· Ryan has apparently been offered a job in Scotland as a "lead developer", earning 43,000 per annum, but turned it down due to not wanting to move.

· He was chief developer of " is powered by zefieCMS, a PHP/SQL content management system developed by Kousuke (Ryan), the Lead Administrator for this site." Evidence indicates site was running Mambo CMS.

· Ryan was turned down for engagement from a THIRTEEN year old from Cornwall in the year 2007. Rape in a tent anybody?

Now We’re Scammin’!:

Ryan has also played a part in simple web hosting scams. He is banned from WebHosting Talk forums after multiple attempts to scam people by offering them web hosting deals that seemed almost too good to be true (especially when he was selling at a significant loss). One of these scams resulted in the now fabled Arcstudios scam in which victims lost hundreds of dollars in fees paid to Ryan by wire transfer for web hosting that never materialized.

Another fun scam was the Great British Gaming League (or GBGL for short) scam. Conducted in the summer of 2006, it involved GBGL taking up Ryan's offer of setting up their anti-cheat service among another features. Being a keen and professional tradesman of his craft, Ryan demanded nothing less than money up front for the services.

Naturally, Ryan neglected to tell GBGL that part of the whole deal included the all-important "I'm not doing any work and am going to run away with your money lol" clause. GBGL were thus stung and were set back by at least six months because of the whole fiasco. They now no longer exist – most likely because of a direct cause of this.

Raving Private Ryan:

Around the summer of 2006, Ryan announced on his LiveJournal that he was in the British Army training program, apparently being fast tracked into the paratroopers due to his renowned physical endurance. Ultimately his goal was to serve in Iraq, possibly after rapid promotion to squad leader commanding his own regiment. He offered occasional lulz in regard to his progress and even though internet access was very much a limited commodity he always found a way to let us know how he was doing... but as his predetermined date to ship out neared, it all started to go wrong for our national hero in the making. His cursed old knee injury forced him out of wherever the hell the camp was supposed to be (presumably not Plymouth), and back to his former less glamorous surroundings (Plymouth) before he was able to earn his VC. Besides, AmeCon was fast approaching, and attending a private event you're banned from and haven't paid for is far superior to crawling around the desert hunting down former Ba'ath party members.

He was supposedly "too injured" for recuperation at Williams Company military hospital, hence being discharged and sent home.

Present Day Fiasco’s:

Ryan seems to claim his so called “company” does business globally, that he has an on-staff design team, and even a management board for his company. For his company to be such a global success, they must have been around for a very long time, correct? Um, no. Thanks to the Registrar of Companies and Companies House of the UK, I have been provided with CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION, GENERAL COMPANY DETAILS & STATEMENTS OF; OFFICERS, CAPITAL & SHAREHOLDINGS, GUARANTEE, COMPLIANCE MEMORANDUM OF ASSOCIATION. In these documents, it states Neva Digital, LTD was a registered company as of: April 23rd, 2010. Someone explain this to me. Go ahead, I’ll wait.

Not only does Ryan’s lack of International Business Laws and Tax Laws knowledge come to light when he tries so fearlessly to defend himself when accused of having a fake company – but the fact that nobody ever decided to grow a pair or testicles and ask where his money comes from. Has anyone decided to Google his companies address? 26, Belmont Street, Plymouth, Devon, PL1 5HU, England, UK – This is a fucking PARKING GARAGE.

My point is this. I tried so hard a few days ago to make people realize that this Ryan person is a fraud. He’s scamming you all into believing what he’s doing is true and that he has all this imaginary money. If any of you had opened your eyes and ears and heard me out – you wouldn’t be so fucking surprised to hear all this. You’ve all been scammed. Neva Digital is a fraud. He has lied to many companies, including S2 Games – and its sad nobody could just listen to me. This is the route I was forced to take.

I highly recommend S2 Games strip Ryan of any access he may have regarding to their company. This includes IRC, Servers, and Source Code. I expect after this information is released everyone see’s him for who he truly is: a fraud.

If you don’t believe me, below is a link to every article on the internet regarding Ryan and his scamming ways; also there is a list of previous aliases.

I want to thank everyone who made this possible – You know who you are – and I want to thank everyone who has finished reading this. I hope you now understand why I tried so hard to speak out, only to be silenced by Ryan – being banned from the S2 Games IRC Network by him, and him having his friends ban me from the forums.

Known Aliases:


  • Ryan
  • Ryan Albright
  • Kazuya
  • Ryan Dawson
  • Kousei
  • Kouryu
  • Kaimei


  • fumiNET
  • Katsuya
  • Kousuke
  • Sasuke
  • zefieNET
  • zefieNET LTD
  • zLTD
  • ArcStudios
  • Ket
  • Ketsuyo Tetsunawa
  • Ketsu-kun
  • Nandayo
  • Kazuke
  • IlluZefie
  • Alex Jacks
  • Suzanna (occasionally impersonating his mother)
  • Keisuke-Kun
  • Kira
  • Kira-sama
  • Kyuukai
  • Elijah Albright
  • Kanashimi
  • Senshimedia



2. Ryan Dawson is a Scam - Page 1

3. Ryan Dawson is a Scam - Page 2

4. Ryan Dawson is a Scam - Page 3

5. Ryan Dawson is a Scam - Page 4

6. Ryan Dawson is a Scam - Page 5







  1. Umm. How is Ryan a scammer when he dishes OUT money?

  2. Nope, he takes it and spends less. Typical scamming scheme - you claim to be at a loss, while secretly taking money behind the scenes. He's been paid by both a.k.a. E-Sports Media and S2 Games.

    At least this is what is claimed on these forums:
